What If you could design your ideal presidential candidate? Here’s your chance…
Posted on 03. Apr, 2016 by Ruth Anne Wood in Uncategorized
With so much dissatisfaction of the current 2016 presidential candidates I began to muse what would happen if the American people did the unthinkable and designed our own ideal Presidential candidate and then did a talent search for someone with those qualities. Since I am just one American I designed a survey to get a […]
Trip To India
Posted on 03. Apr, 2016 by Ruth Anne Wood in Uncategorized
I’m compelled to share more of my India adventure… After 30 friends showed up last minute at my friend Edie Weinstein’s house to be in the energy of India and hear about Jason and our two week adventures. I am inspired to talk more about being in the moment, taking in ancient and modern experiences, […]