Welcome to Scripting for Success Where We Have Fun Building Author Platforms by Being of Service to Like Minded Authors & Media
If you are brand new to Scripting for Success, you might be wondering where to start. Well, it all depends on where you are currently in building your Author Platform. Read below to see which Platform Building profile best suits your situation and the appropriate resources best suited for you …
If you are just starting out building your author platform, you still have trouble defining your niche audience, book hook and compelling marketing story. You need to find your social media voice. It’s time to create your media kit, set up your author/ book website and start building your fan email and mailing lists. You need guidance creating your year long book promotion calendar. Here are some places for you to start:
If you have already started building your own author platform and you have a media-kit and website with over 1500 customer subscribers you are off to a good start. You are building relationships with fans through weekly blog posts, electronic newsletters and social media. You are in need of done for you systems to automate your social media updates, article and video updates. You have been featured on local media and podcasts and now you want to get more high profile coverage. It’s time to built joint venture partners with leaders in your niche market to do your own book campaign, launches and live events. Here’s your next strategic move:
If you already built an impressive author platform and want to be in the presence of best selling authors creating lasting legacies through your books, talks, home study courses and training programs this is a place where the high achieving authors come together to challenge each other to reach for the stars. This is your opportunity to leap frog to an even more financially profitable author platform by joining in a yearlong think tank with other high level mastermind members while you engage in leading platform strategy goals, peer training and critique, JV opportunities, accountability partners and personal coaching with Ruth. Build a legacy: