Getting the Most out of Your Live Your Peace Interview
Posted on 03. Feb, 2012 by Scripting for Success in Uncategorized
Tips for Getting the Most out of Your Live Your Peace Interview
Fill out the application form to have your very own web page promoting you.
Some PR firms charge a minimum of $400/ month to have just a half page bio, picture and contact info. I know because I’ve participated in those and I didn’t get the phenomenal connections, education, inspiration, resources and friendships I’ve made here.
Where else can you be invited to have a 30 minute uninterrupted interview on topics you are most passionate about for FREE? If you know of another communities that has generated such an awe inspirng amount of peace, goodwill and transformation in yourself and countless other lives make sure you invite them to share their message here!
Consider the massive benefits of being an active partner in sharing the Live Your Peace interview series. Here’s the magic that will happen for you.
Become a fan on facebook right now. Where else can you network with so many best selling authors and high achieving go getters that just might be the key contact for your future promotions, joint ventures, campaigns. Plus Live Your Peace guests are a wealth of friendship with powerful friends and resources.
Subscribe to the Live Your Peace series by email and take five minutes to forward to your list the most recent interview to your online subscribers. Why is this so powerful? You don’t have to wait for a book or product launch to have people with huge lists promoting you for free week after week! (In the first couple months of this program we already have best selling author’s with a combined list of over a million subscribers!)
If just 10 LYP guests send out a link to your LYP interview this week and each have a small list of just 500 subscribers, that’s an additional 5,000 subscribers that get sent your message about your mission and awe inspiring message. And this number grows exponentially each week as everyone does their part when a new interview is posted! Like I said we have many heavier hitters with huge following. Why not follow you!! Try to get that kind of free, quick, time efficient exposure on facebook, google or without doing a huge product launch. It’s all free to pay it forward here. Help your esteemed LYP colleagues. Isn’t it great to be one of the co-creative Live Your Peace teachers, guests, leaders, light barers? It’s certainly an honor for us!
Be of service to the other LYP guests, contributors, fans
Listen to other LYP interviewees and talk about their message with friends
Offer feedback and resources in the comment session at the bottom of the LYP interviews
Get involved with the LYP conversations with other fans and visitors by answering questions posted on your passion or expertise. What a great way to drive fans to your site!
Forward or post links to your favorite LYP interviews on your blog, facebook, ezine
Offer to promote auther compatable guests as a joint venture to build your list and income
Write a review or article of the LYP interviews and post it EVERYWHERE!
Recommend other guest for the LYP and send them an application to email to us
Send out press releases for your LYP interview and others you love
Create “Live Your Peace” Google Alerts and post comments that expand the conversation and grow your business
Post videos critiquing and reviewing the fabulos expert we have participating