You Can’t Get It ‘Cause You’ve Already Got It!
~ by Stash Serafin and Ruth Anne Wood
Stash Serafin is a renowned figure skater, in a class of his own, who has performed in shows with Olympic skaters and has work closely with nearly a dozen world-class figure skating coaches since 1968 despite being blind since birth! Creator of Serafin Sensitivity Skating Skills , Stash teaches athletes from beginner to world-class how to move quicker with more power, accuracy and safety. He lives with his family outside Philadelphia, PA. Visit: for classes, writing, on and off the ice coaching services. Stash Serafin is available for speaking nationwide.
“You Can’t Get It ‘Cause You Already Have It! is inspirational and entertaining. You will be immersed in the life of Stash Serafin and be rewarded with a deeper understanding of your life and yourself. Masterfully written.” -Terri Levine, President Comprehensive Coaching U, Inc.
The lovely Dorthy Hamill On page 123 of A Skating Life: My Story Dorthy says, “I was moved to tears by Stash’s courageous performance.”
Ruth Anne Wood is founder of Scripting for Success, a production and leadership training company dedicated to facilitating transformation conversations with visionary heart/thought leaders through the service of book publishing, talks, keynotes, retreats, films and interviews. Clients love Ruth’s signiture “Live Your Peace” talks and retreats (based on her film supported by two time Oprah guest, national 501c and Emmy award winning Film maker). Why because groups gets featured in Live Your Peace books, videos, podcasts or interviews created at the event from audience participation!
Listen to Live Your Peace interviews with transformational conversations with CEOs, artists, charities, entrepreneurs and best selling authors who share their practice of peace, passion and prosperity with the world.