Nancy Dreyfus, Psy.D. Whether you are a lawyer or a therapist…a stay-at-home mom or a hippy… Nancy teaches we all need some kind of meaningful structure in which to organize our life. People often enter therapy when they can no longer ignore that an important external structure on which they have depended—a crucial relationship or work situation, a spiritual teaching or a therapeutic paradigm–is feeling unfulfilling, rocky or even bankrupt. Painful and disorienting as this can be, such disillusionment is often a doorway to a whole new way of being in the world.
Dreyfus sees herself as a kind of “transpersonal scout,” orienting people to what it means to live a life based on internal structure—to access and profoundly trust one’s own insides in a way that creates an outer life more and more reflecting who you really are. Her own journey began many years ago when, through what one might call either luck or grace, she had an unexpected and, as often is the case, brief experience of feeling whole, independent of any achievement or anyone’s particular affection. Thus began what has been called “the hard work miracle” of overhauling a life based on looking good to one about Becoming Real. Now in her late 50s, my life has been an exploration into the question, “What is Real?”…and creating the space for others to feel real to themselves.
Ruth Anne Wood is founder of Scripting for Success, a production and leadership training company dedicated to facilitating transformation conversations with visionary heart/thought leaders through the service of book publishing, talks, keynotes, retreats, films and interviews. Clients love Ruth’s signiture “Live Your Peace” talks and retreats (based on her film supported by two time Oprah guest, national 501c and Emmy award winning Film maker). Why because groups gets featured in Live Your Peace books, videos, podcasts or interviews created at the event from audience participation!
Listen to Live Your Peace interviews with transformational conversations with CEOs, artists, charities, entrepreneurs and best selling authors who share their practice of peace, passion and prosperity with the world.
Through her workshops, courses, coaching programs, and products, Ruth uses humor, theater, leadership training and stories of her start-ups, clients, artistic collaberations and trips around the world to show her clients how to start experiencing peace, passion and prosperity immediately from inside and out and create an abundant life they love.
Attendies love events where they become featured experts shaping the profitable goals and vision of their life, group and organization and walk away with a Mp3, ebook, podcast that they helped co-create at the leadership interactive event or retreat!
You can learn more about Ruth and her courses, programs, and products at:
Ruth Anne Wood
60 Constitution Ave.
Doylestown, PA 18901
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