Live Your Peace interview Larry Steinhouse
Author, Speaker, Motivator, Coach
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Larry Steinhouse is a personal achievement coach specializing in the areas of rebuilding finances and getting more sales to your business.
He is the author of a book called “If I won 25 Million Dollars in the Lottery”. He holds motivational seminars and speak at corporations to motivate their people.
His business clients are usually real estate agents, life insurance agents, MLMer’s and other sales professionals.
His Personal Clients are those wanting to turn their financial situation around and build a more financially secure life. Because he do not sell any financial products, you can be assured that his advice is unbiased.
He is developing a study course to help people learn at home, to better themselves.
“How can I help you achieve your goals?” -Larry Steinhouse
E-mail me at
or call 1-866-222-0557
For more resources visit:
Check out Larry’s:
Get Rich and Happy Event in Philadelphia
November 5th, 6th and 7th
Ruth Anne Wood the director of Scripting for Success, a publishing and production company dedicated to help her clients set and achieve specific measurable goals around sharing a personal vision and key message of hope, peace, healing, creativity, community, innovation and entrepreneurial transformation in the world. Through the “Live Your Peace” movie, interviews, live events and online community Ruth and her team brings together a wealth of resources from peace makers in our local and global community.
To receive more information on the upcoming Live Your Peace events, training and resources contact Ruth at 215-872-5035.
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