This is in the works and I thought you should know about it before the GP. If you want to learn how you can get involved in the profit sharing of this event you’ll have an opportunity to opt-in at the bottom to be part of the insider planners in a FREE private forum.
You’ve written your book(s)
You’ve been on some media
You’ve sold some product
For years you’ve had tremendous results solving specific client issues!
But you haven’t built a community of raving fans
or been a featured guest at a three day info summit
where people are lined up in the back of the room
for your signed product smorgasbord and future elite coaching
You’re the Tony Robins of your niche market
sadly without the powerhouse of raving fans, right?
I mean that was me saying… I teach that stuff…
my clients get those results!
And my husband snickering with his comments as we scroll down
Tony’s squeeze page
Tony’s General Admissions $997
Tony’s Executive $1295
Tony’s VIP $1595 (“Still don’t get to meet Jesus”)
Tony’s Diamond $2095 (“Ooo you get lunch, I’ll join them with my bag lunch”)
Tony’s Diamond Premier $2595 (“Still don’t get to meet Jesus”)
Jason’s comments really crack me up!
But still… it got me thinking.
And then it really sunk in with my passion for co-authored projects:
-First it was the 22 co-authors in Abundant Magical Lives ebook in 2003
-Then it was my collaboration with massage therapists with a comedy about massage at the 2007 Philly Fringe
-It was really the co-authored movie project with award winning film makers, journalists, authors and practitioners 2009
I mean what are the superstars teaching that you haven’t delivered?
Yet you haven’t become the rock star and financial success of your industry
Hot diggedy dog this could be your big event and resume topper!
If you qualify to attend this workshop. Read more…
At this event:
In three days you will have spoken to an audience of 1000
With a professional camera crew filming your presentation
Have raving fans lining up to give and video testimonials
(Hey, that’s part of the event!)
Partner with others in your niche marketplace…
Because their “big guru secret” is helping each other
with each other’s big product launches
They know their customers aren’t just going to buy from them
But they still make money, right?
Other seminars are like high school clicks
with the same power houses speaking at every event
It’s days of guru stories with lots of recaps of trials and errors
with brief hot tips and money making systems and strategies
only partially revealed
And which ones do you figure out how to implement
when you take the boxes of mess home?
We don’t have time for that here!
Isn’t that’s what’s missing at these events?
On Site Implementation!!
And are you tired like I am of another big event launch… 3 payment option disappears at midnight tomorrow. Give me a break! My husband deletes all that stuff and can’t understand how I got on so many of their subscriber lists.
I know… I secretly wanted to be like them. 🙂
You’ve heard of speed networking?
How about speed speaking?
Speed network collaboration?
Speed building online communities
of raving fans built at a three day event at a luxurious venue?!!
People you care about and would do anything to give them your best service
What would you do with over 100 new video testimonies
for your site after a three day event?
What would you do with over 20 new power partners
that are multiplying your marketing efforts by 20?
Don’t go home with a box of guru material that you have to figure out
how to implement later after the support and buzz of the event is over
Hit the ground running and Live It at a three day live event
Where you are the resource, change agent…
the memorable speaker that transforms your audience to:
act, persist and follow a passion
What would you do with a new co-authored video series that captured your best tips
in your niche market and raked in affiliate sales and profits?
…And you didn’t have to hire the film crew, spend hours to edit or drive traffic to it?
What would you do if you were the featured expert in your niche ezine
and you had a mastermind group of affiliates/power partners promoting your message?
What if you had a monthly mastermind calls that you and your team of 20 power partners shared resources to get unstuck in your business and marketing plan?
Then imagine having support staff on the call to help setup and deliver the solution resources you shared on the call.
Why have different programmers, fulfilment companies, branding specialists, traffic builders to manage when you could hold one company accountable for supporting and managing your author marketing success.
At the three day event it can all be set up for you hassle free while you are at the event becoming and supporting the next hot presenters LIVE on stage!
I haven’t even mentioned the excitement factor of being randomly called to
stage to be the next big presenter during our FREE live event for our clients.
Oh and don’t get me started on the prize winning contests and prestigious awards that are given by your peers at the event that you adore!
What this all boils down to is:
Improv Collaboration for Hot New Seminar Presenters
It’s the Star Search of PRESENTING without the stigma and embarrassment of American Idol.
Ok, if you’re moved by what you read you can opt in by commenting to this post.
We are in the visioning/brainstorming, castle designing stages.
This 15 minute talk help me get clarity around moving forward with this project of building our community in this way.
Gary Vaynerchuk is my inspiration today.