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Super Monday Miracles Sneak Peak

Miracle Mondays with Ruth Anne Wood

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Free online community to network with new and best selling authors and coaches and get help with product launches

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Welcome to a sneak peak of Monday Miracles coaching group. The specific group  training, weekly Q & A, lazar coaching and peer networking and support is what makes the difference between this page being nice shelf-help verses what some of  our paid participants have attracted over $50,000+ in retail value by week five. If you are still interested in our 100% money back guarantee with proof of all the homework we’d love to add you to our success stories. We’ve only had one client and over a decade insist on a 50% refund even though we graciously offered our full 100%. Click here to register.



Mondays    Time:     Dates:


FreeConference Details

Your US Dial-in Number

1 862 902 0260

Your Access Code: (Students check email)


Class 1



Chakra Download PDF and Audio


We talked about:

How to Jump Start Your Remarkable Legacy (Introduces the Six Steps used in Miracle Mondays)

What could be your blocks in this class

Michael Craig’s interview on Logical Soul Confronting BIG Blocks From Childhood/ Ancestors 

Getting on facebook and accessing class resources

Beliefs on money

Picking Partners


list – All this by Divine Right – Place your order with higher power here

Miracle Monday Love Letter


Class 2


Class Audio


We did a Quantum Selling meditation – that helps intuitively know how to get in touch with ideal prospects or helpers along your clearly scripted path. This technology has generated over a million dollars in software sales for the Quantum Selling creators. Listen to exclusive, very generous interview.

Here  is the interview with the people who taught me the meditation; Paul and Penelope Pauley


Read Transform Debt Into Abundance (Introduces How To Uncover Your Worth, Blocks, Abundance)

Do the exercises. (You may want to go through part of it with your class partner in the figuring out how much you would have paid someone else for those services/contributions you did/made.)

Pace yourself and let Ruth know if you have any insights, questions or challenges with the steps at:


Class 3



Hooponopono Prayer:

Change your energy around a situation, limiting belief or stress

“I Love You, I’m Sorry, Please Forgive Me, Thank You”

ho’oponopono youtube interview with the late Dr Hew Len

Background -wiki


Assignment – Continue indefinitely

  1. Use the Hooponopono Prayer when you need to clear:
    “I Love You, I’m Sorry, Please Forgive Me, Thank You”
  2. Get a daily pay raise of $1000
    Plus $1000 more income a day game


Class 4

Audio  (For students)


Powerful intension exercises lead by class mate that:

  • Tapped into a source of love and light and bathing our bodies in that light
  • We were greeted by a presence with a gift for us
  • After discussing that meditation experience and what we received, student facilitator guided us in a movement exercise stepping 1,2,3 weeks into the future ending with stepping 3 months into our positive future.
  • We discussed experience and coached each other


  1. Tune into the wonderful energy of the gift you received and the positive steps you took during Leslie’s meditation; ex: gold locket, jewelry box, space, hope…career, family, travel
  2. Use the anchor (a very energizing, empowering, joyful moment in your life) you chose at the end of class. Tune into your desired joy, balance, creativity, love, peace, confidence, hope by touching a part of your body as a reminder of the positive energy you choose to experience; (heart, head, thigh, nose, fingers…)
  3. Post at least 3 times in our Miracle Monday facebook group the opportunities you had to use your anchor to bring you back to your desired state of being on the path supported by your vision or meditation. Share how the anchoring helped you shift your focus back on your letter to your future self or steps you took in the 1 week to 3 month meditation.


Class 5





Lot’s of love and miracles shared in this class. From amazing prizes and financial gifts worth tens of thousands of dollars.

Reminder to communicate in a way that is loving, clearly stating what you intend in your life. When you get sloppy and say negative stuff as a joke or because it just comes out that way, take the time to reach for more clarity and specific intensions of what you choose to be your focus.

Use powerful feelings, experiences and memories to increase your connection to your intensions. Examples include your wedding day, triumphant moment or adventure, hitting a home run or remembering your kid hitting a home run or bringing you so much love and joy!


Continue to use your anchor to tune into your ideal feelings, thoughts and experience.

Take the time to pour on the love and gratitude to someone this week.


Be open to someone unexpectedly pouring on the love and gratitude appreciating you!

Debbie Dusylovitch miracle monday endorsement













Class 6






Class 7








Chakra Download PDF and Audio


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Class Notes, audio recordings and resources (This Page Is For Enrolled Participants)


Scripting Tools

Circle Map Helps to focus on your ideal results

Delegate to Your CEO (responsible for fast cash infusions and saving businesses from closing)


Scripting For Success Systems

Transform Debt Into Abundance (Introduces How To Uncover Your Worth, Blocks, Abundance)

How to Jump Start Your Remarkable Legacy (Introduces the Six Steps To Script Your Process)