Join community leaders Edie Weinstein and Ruth Anne Wood in a special workshop:

“Script Your Bliss”

The “Writer of Our Lives”, Scripting for Success CEO Ruth Anne Wood ==> and Bliss Mistress, Edie Weinstein <== invite you to a special workshop to:

WHAT: “Script Your Bliss”

WHEN: Schedule a private Script Your Success event with your community 215-872-5035.

WHERE: At our next event or yours!

INTRODUCTORY CLASS: $45 online or in advance and $95 at the door.

BRING: Notebook to script your story and success headlines and conversations and comfortable clothes to move into your bliss with movement, dance, theater, healing, meditation exercises.

During this interactive workshop Ruth and Edie offer you will immerse yourself in a new story of expanded possibilities. Discover what accesses your bliss and how to plan or script for it on a regular powerfully co-creative basis.

Ruth ==> has a 100% success rate with paid clients helping them write one sentence success headlines, short stories or ideal conversations with challenging clients, loved ones or prospects or future mates. Then they get that déjà vu as they are living their scripts written weeks, days or even hours of co-authoring their success script. Ruth is the co-author of You Can’t Get It ‘Cause You’ve Already Got It!  about her visionary writing and her co-author Stash Serafin who skated with world-class figure skaters despite being blind since birth. Ruth is also the host of Live Your Peace interview series featuring best selling authors, award winning artists and community leaders speaking on the topic of Peace, Passion and Prosperity.

Some things Ruth and her clients have successfully scripted:

  • Positive meeting with Hollywood producer
  • Meeting and marrying her 29/30 now 30/30 man.
  • Helping clients make wonky legal and crazy tax issues evaporate and lawsuits, court cases being thrown out
  • Get disputing party to easily and spontaneously agree to quick, desired resolution
  • Get fast cash to save or expand business
  • Meet ideal business partners easily
  • Feel more connected with loved ones
  • Speak on stage and present on the same stage as their ideal superstars
  • Effect government elections
  • Turn debt into gifts and becoming an income magnet
  • Receive dream house, vacation and life style in fun ways, gifted or with tremendous savings 

I met my soul mate just like the script said and she is everything I have been looking for.  The most amazing part is that she just showed up in my life with no effort on my part.  I have no doubt that reading this script over and over again put me in the right place spiritually and physically for me to meet my soul mate.  I can’t thank you enough Ruth.” –Michael Cristofalo, Electrical Engineer

“There are things one can do with a therapist to untangle the knots of the psyche- but Scripting for Success creates new threads of consciousness that are in the present to create a vibrant future based on one’s individual thoughts, feelings, actions and efforts.” -Diane B. Levitt, Writer, Mentor





Edie Weinstein (Bliss Mistress) revels in helping people live full, rich juicy lives, manna-festing their dreams and desires. With over 30 years combined experience in the counseling, coaching, journalistic and motivational fields, Edie has walked people through the journey from where they are to where they want to be. She is a colorfully creative journalist and interviewer dynamic motivational speaker, interfaith minister, licensed social worker, PR Goddess, opti-mystic who views the world through the eyes of possibililty, and a newly claimed multidimensional multitasker. Attend the workshop and you just may adopt those last two titles for yourself!  A work in progress, like everyone else on the planet; she is the artist of her own design and the mistress of her own bliss. She is a career journalist with 23 years experience interviewing some of the most amazing movers and shakers on the planet, including Ben & Jerry,Shirley MacLaine, Ram Dass, Michael Beckwith, Jack Canfield, Alan Cohen, Karen Drucker, Judith Orloff, Louise Hay, Marianne Williamson, Dan Millman, Wayne Dyer, Elizabeth Lesser, Arielle Ford, Debbie Ford, SARK, Bernie Siegel and His Holiness the Dalai Lama. In addition, she is an interfaith minister, dynamic motivational speaker, opti-mystic, (seeing the world through the eyes of possibility), transformational coach, social worker and PR Goddess. From 1988-1998, she was co-publisher of Visions Magazine. She facilitates workshops; subjects include spirituality, transformation, recovery, weathering the winds of change, relationships, love, communication, co-dependence, stress management, time management, manna-festation, loss and grief, sexuality, re-creating your life. Her first best seller is called The Bliss Mistress Guide To Transforming the Ordinary Into the Extraordinary/ “Edie is a wonderful, insightful, fun interviewer who made me instantly feel at home. She puts her heart, mind and soul into the interview which makes it heartfelt and powerful. Her skill is unmistakable and her spirit is beautiful”.Judith Orloff MD Author, Second Sight  

“Edie is a source of brilliant loving energy that meets people’s needs and serves for everyone’s mutual support and growth. She is a Cuddle Party Facilitator of the highest caliber serving a wide area of the Mid-Atlantic Region. I would trust her to give 100% to any common goal or project she would say “YES” to along the way.”-Len Daley, Executive Director, EDUCO, Inc. Foundations of Facilitation

“Edie is one remarkable woman. Her spirit can lift boulders, her warmth can heat mid-sized cities, her personality has more snap, crackle and pop than…well, you know what. Edie interviewed me for Wisdom magazine. She’s a brilliant writer and a deft interviewer. I heartily recommend her for whatever project or opportunity you have in mind.”-Paul Stone, Director of Advertising, W.B. Mason Company

“Edie is one those rare unforgettable women who is so delightful that you find yourself looking for projects to collaborate with her on. Her writing talent is undeniable, having interviewed luminaries such as HH The Dalai Lama. But what’s more, Edie brings her full-out shining essence to everything she creates in her business. You will want her on your team!” -Gina Mazza, Owner, Epiphany Works,

Edie is a contributor to Beliefnet, with her daily Bliss Blog Vivid Life   as well as a growing number of other publications.

It’s $25 online and $35 at the door.

Join us for a transformational evening.

The “Writer of Our Lives”, Scripting for Success CEO Ruth Anne Wood ==> and Bliss Mistress, Edie Weinstein <== invite you to a special workshop to:

WHAT: ”Script Your Bliss”

WHEN: Friday August 31, 2012 7-10PM 

WHERE: Dublin, PA

INTRODUCTORY CLASS: $25 online or in advance and $35 at the door.

BRING: Notebook to script your story and success headlines and conversations and comfortable clothes to move into your bliss with movement, dance, theater, healing, meditation exercises.