How did Miracle Monday clients get the following results?

They used Scripting for Success coaching and weekly group support to  experience MIRACLES; a shift of perception from fear to love:

  • Got dream JAG for less than current vehicle by second class doing coaching assignment
  • Stepped away from poisonous family drama after eliminating heartbreaking distractions and triggers
  • Saved $1000’s on legal fees using a one sentence statement that helped get the case thrown out
  • Saved $100’s on a much-needed vacation by shifting from fear, stress and worry to peace, joy and love
  • During audit a tax collector apologized for accounting error the following morning after our guided meditation
  • Had relative unexpectedly pay for teen’s entire college
  • Got income to save business from closing that week
  • Met his dream woman within 14 days


7 Weeks of Miraclesclick here