Payment for Jump Start Your Remarkable Legacy Private VIP Coaching (Special Lola Group Rate Savings)

Payment for Jump Start Your Remarkable Legacy VIP Group Coaching $5,000

5 months VIP private coaching program $10,000 

If you decide to start working together with payment plan A or B you’ll get the group coaching rate for 50% off or $5,000.

Option A: Pay in full today for a 20% savings/ scholarship $500 for a total of $4,500 ,  (Scholarship and acceptance in our program goes away Thursday July 31, 2014.)

Refund policy (100% refund within the first 60 days of payment minus $1050 paypal fees and affiliate commissions.) Willie Crawford gets his referral commission.


Option B: Payment Plan- Invest $1,000 a month for 5 Months of VIP private coaching for a total of $5,000 (Acceptance in Jump Start Your Remarkable Legacy program goes away Thursday July 31, 2014.) Refund policy (100% refund within the first 60 days of payment minus $1050 paypal fees and affiliate commissions.) Willie Crawford gets his referral commission.

If you don’t think you are ready for this program than I understand. It’s a big jump into learning how to put a system together to get into alignment with your success script and step into your powerful VIP group coaching program and​ then market, run and grow it.

Once you are accepted into this program you are eligible to become one of Ruth’s featured VIP authors/ coaches.

Here are the perks:

Done For You Marketing Option

(Only available for Ruth’s VIP group coaching clients.)

As A VIP Coach Ruth/ Scripting For Succes will help you:

  • Create one or more lead generating “How To” products on your core genius and “How To” solutions to attract VIP $1K+ a month coaching clients.
  • Give Instructions on how to set up a sales and product page
  • Step-by-step support on creating a sales funnel on JV Zoo affiliate sales site
  • Get help attracting super affiliates to promote your under $10 product and under $20 upsell to attract VIP coaching clients
  • How to do sales calls and enroll 50% of your accepted applicants into you $5,000 genius coaching group program
  • As one of Ruth’s VIP students you can save months or even years on trial and error on marketing. This includes getting help with facebook ads, direct mailing, creating or updating your “How To” product to attract your ideal VIP group coaching client.
  • If you just want to focus on coaching and have someone else pay for and test all the ads and marketing, (the engine that runs your coaching business, you can hire Ruth’s team to set up your marketing and just pay 50% in sales commissions.
  • Instead of paying out of pocket to test the ads or have someone else monitor your sales funnel you can have Ruth and her team do this and pay a 50% commission only after you are accepted in the Jump Start Your Remarkable Legacy VIP coaching.
  • The benefit include, no extra out of pocket marketing expenses. (Some of the big internet marketing gurus aren’t offering this for less than $10K a month.)
  • I understand I just pay 50% commissions when Ruth’s team makes a sale on my lead generation products and VIP coaching and pay Ruth’s team nothing unless my coaching program is sold.
  • I can hire Ruth’s team do all the marketing, sales page and sales funnel creation, sales calls for my VIP group coaching applicants, client enrollment and scheduling for my VIP group coaching… (Something I’d have to learn to do or hire someone else to do and or do it yourself which usually takes an extra 10-40 hours a week to set up and run at least in the beginning.)
  • After The five month initial Jump Start Your Remarkable Legacy VIP coaching you have the option to take over all the marketing, sales calls, coaching group scheduling or decide to have Ruth and her team run this aspect of your business.
  • However instead of hiring Ruth and her Scripting For Success team, accepted Jump Start Your Remarkable Legacy applicants have the option to outsource, train, manage other programmers, sellers to enroll and sell your group coaching applicants over the phone based on all the sales and marketing training provided in this five month program.
  • With this done for you system once it’s set up instead of spending 1-4 hours a day marketing, our VIP coaches show up 1-2 hours a week and do some training and Q & A on their signature “How To” system inside a facebook group that Ruth helps VIP coaching clients set up without the additional upfront stress and expense that some VIP marketing firms charge $10,000+ a month to run and do sales calls and run ads.
  • Students can build an email list during the VIP group coaching program.
  • If you want this sales funnel set up on your website instead of Ruth’s that’s an additional investment to work with a web designer. You are investing in the coaching and and signature training Jump Start Your Remarkable Legacy coaching program with your 5 month/ $5K investment.
  • Students VIP group coaching program will begin 14 business days after students have their $10-$20 “How To” coaching product/ training is approved and put in the sales funnel.
  • Students understand even if you have a Amazon Kindle “How To” product for legal Amazon restrictions you need to create a similar but original product to use as a lead generator (Focusing on my genius how to system which you can use to educate prospects into why they want to join my group coaching program. That’s what Ruth teaches you how to create with her coaching.)
  • Students are suggested to sell a new “How To” lead generating product for 100% commission on JV Zoo to drive paid prospects to your VIP group coaching sales page. (That means you make 100% commission minus marketing expenses if you sell this “How To” product and your affiliates make 100% commission if they sell it minus the marketing expenses.)
  • Students understand you pay your affiliates 10-50% commission when they sell your group coaching program.
  • Students are trained to run your VIP group training in a private facebook community.
  • Students are encouraged and trained to write blogs, post videos, do interviews, actively post on social media to promote my offerings and build my credibility, authority and visibility in the market place.
  • Students understand being a world renowned change agent takes guts, commitment, financial, mental, emotional, physical and spiritual leaps of faith.
  • Students understand this $5,000 VIP Group Coaching offer is only available until the end of the month and then the offer expires. If you are not a fit at this time the offer for the coaching and the 50/50 split Done For You sales funnel machine goes away at the end of this call. (You’ve been accepted if you want to make the investment and do the work).
  • By paying this $1 non-refundable investment, Yes, I agree to do a 50/50 affiliate split with Ruth Anne Wood to set up my sales funnel on Ruth’s author/ coach site. (I understand making any changes to my website or setting up a new site is a separate agreement and investment.) I don’t need to hire Ruth to do my marketing based on commission to still get the five months of coaching and support. I understand only people who go through Ruth’s VIP month coaching program get offered this Done For You Marketing Solutions.

Yes, Ruth I want you to help me setup and run my sales funnel and pay you 50% sales commission.

I understand that Ruth is also offering the following additional services for Lola Hardaway during the five month coaching agreement.

  • I can renew my agreement with Ruth Anne Wood in another 5 months from payment date and renegotiate new investment.
  • I understand my success builds on a foundation and creating the right products to sell people into my coaching program from the start. It may take 30-90 to get your sales funnel up and running depending on how quickly you follow the steps in our coaching program to create client attractive entry level books, training so people learn about your results before they invest in more personal support and results!
  • Ruth has offered to help me shop around my revise 90-100 page screenplay.
  • Ruth has agreed to help me shop around my script using a one page five paragraph synopsis that features an overview of the story and every scene in the script.
  • I agree to have Ruth Anne Wood act as my book and screenplay agent for a standard 15% commission on all manuscripts and movie script royalties and product licensing, affiliate companies related to the movie and endorsements with the option to be my agent for 2 years starting July 31, 2014. (this offer for Ruth Anne Wood to be my be my agent goes away July 31, 2014.)

If you want to hire Ruth Anne Wood to represent you as your movie script and talent agent the standard agent agreement is 15% commission off the top before taxes and expenses off anything that is sold related to acting gigs, and the movie including, movie script, products and services and licenses ​related to Lola Hardaway’s original movie and all other paid public appearances sold during this two year contract.

By paying this $1 non-refundable investment, Yes, I agree to hire Ruth Anne Wood the standard 15% off the top before taxes or expenses to be my movie script and talent agent. Only our VIP 5 month plus coaching clients get this offer.

If you agree to all the terms for Ruth Anne Wood helping to set up your sales funnel on her site for a 50/50 split please start the agreement with your investment of $1. Only people who do our VIP coaching get this offer.

If there is something that is unclear in the agreement or you would like stated in a different way please email me at​

If this feels like a great fit for you and this is your time to Jump Start Your Remarkable Legacy based on our phone strategy session we’d be happy to have be part of our Jump Start Your Remarkable Legacy VIP coaching program. When you are ready to commit come back to this page and enroll through the paypal button which signifies you are ready to rock and roll! If you this program is not a fit I wish you the best!!! It’s a big commitment to create a business around your wisdom, passion, mission and expertise and not for wimps or the faint of heart. Many have quite three feet from gold.

What will be your remarkable legacy?


Ruth Anne Wood