Lana McAra - The Prospect Profiler™

Lana McAra The Prospect Profiler™

Ruth Anne Wood - Scripting for Success ™

Ruth Anne Wood Scripting for Success™

Do you offer a transformational service yet have trouble charging what you’re worth? Does it burn you up inside, when you notice superstars offering less value than your proven system at fees that would upgrade your lifestyle? Discover how to work with raving, high paying clients that recognize you as the only choice to remedy their pain.

Notice how people take action more quickly on the advice and resources offered when it comes with a higher value? Have you offered the same help for free to a friend and they take you for granted and despite your best efforts they’re sadly grappling with the same pain? STOP IT!

Wish you could attract fun, ideal, action taking clients that valued your transformation?

Now you CAN by creating your transformational offer and targeting clients who would pay you top dollar to diagnose and fix their BAP “big ass problem”.

Lana McAra, The Prospect Profiler and her guest Ruth Anne Wood, “The Transformational Strategist” has helped CEOs and entrepreneurs plan and quickly experience their ideal results right down to the income, dream come true lifestyle and business relationships.

Take the guess work out of:

  • What to offer
  • How much to charge
  • How to find your ideal prospects
  • How to close 1/5 on a strategy call

Join us for an information packed hour


Thursday March 8, 2012

4pm Pacific / 7pm Eastern

PS Get a BONUS on the other side while offer lasts:Build a Marketing Message Around Your Core Genius”

  • Discover why you are doing your prospects a disservice by charging so little for your passion and expertise.
  • Why the value of your service has nothing to do with how much time you spend with a client and all about the problem you solve.
  • Why doing business with someone you know like and trust is less important than someone hiring you because you can quickly identify their problem and strategize their solution during a strategy call.
  • Why selling your clients on your low priced products is actually malpractice and robbing them of the real solution.
  • Why they are more likely to ignore or hire someone other than you down the road for much more when they are ready to invest in a solution.
  • Why investing top dollar in your self is the quickest way to raise you fees and attract high paying clients.