Use the power of movement, story, play, art, theater and music to gracefully step into a woman who embodies all of your brilliance, confidence, creativity and play and none of your past or limiting beliefs. Love and honor yourself and Spirit. Answer the call of your Soul with a game called “Walk About for the Soul” as you are playfully guided to role-play your idea state of being during the event. Gather insights about yourself and true desires through the support of women joined by the commitment of authentic, fun, confidential, experiential sharing, and professional support of produced playwright, book publisher, body worker, story teller, director and Scripting for Success facilitator, Ruth Anne Wood.
*Go home with a blue print/ success script to jam with your ideal self a.k.a. “Inner Elf” and notice synchronicities and miracles soar for days and weeks to come.
Ruth Anne Wood is the CEO of Scripting for Success and she helps global leaders use the power of story to turn their ideas into reality. In her own life she has scripted her success meeting the 30/30 man of her dreams, win awards, speak on stage with superstars in her industry, overcome personal challenges, travel the world and have a 100% success rate helping her paid clients live their prewritten success stories, news headlines and conversations. She has also helped her clients write and publish inspirational and biographical books on their core passion and genius.
- Women who love to play
- Women who are ready to experience their ideal selves in minutes
- Women who are creative, smart, playful, adventurous, community leaders
- Women who are ready to have a big shift around money and relationships
- Women who have BIG visions for self, family and community
- Woman who are intuitive
- Women who want tools to access and honor their genius and wisdom
- Women who want to play a bigger game.
- Men, sorry guys.
- People who don’t trust or never choose to trust the unknown or unseen
- People who want to continue to get by ignoring their core genius and intuition
- People who rather follow and depend on others for their happiness and fulfillment
- People who rather watch the nightly news than write their own Success Headlines and live them
- People who are afraid of stepping into their ideal selves using powerful role playing, theater and writing tools
- People who would like their life purpose to remain a mystery
- People who whine, complain and bring everyone else down
- People who would rather do a private introductory session with Ruth for 10 x’s the cost of JAMMN’ WITH YOUR INNER ELVES
“Clarifying the Confusing World of
Writing Agents Publishing & Social Media”
Ruth Anne is a unique combination of warmth and compassion with a dash of realism and gentle confrontation. As we began our work together, Ruth Anne challenged me on just what I wanted out of the writing I had done, what were my goals and who was my audience.
Together we created a newsletter and a web presence. In addition, I was a guest for “Live Your Peace” and found her interviewing skills powerful. As a result of our work together, I am no longer floundering in a confusing, foreign world of writing, agents, publishing, and social media. I have a steady resource who is generous with her time and energy. -Barbara K. Folts,
“Ruth’s Princeton Talk”
Ruth Anne Wood spoke to the Youth Toastmaster Group, a self expression leadership group with more than 150 children. She deftly managed speaking and working with the kids and in 20 minutes she engaged and included a dozen of kids helping them to write and articulate their dreams and goals. It was a fun and interactive session. -T Greenwood, Princeton ETS Youth Leadership,
“Power to Change the World”
June 8th 2011 May 8th 12pm-5pm
Harmony Hill Gardens