June 18 2012

A day of firsts

“‘Official’ Day 1 of my launch into full time Bliss Book literal and virutal road trip. Up early (even though I COULD sleep a little later today:) ideas percolating. Listening to my affirmation CD co-created with my friend Rod Schichtel, scheduling radio shows and speaking gigs, doing some writing, will be meeting with Ruth Anne Wood for celebratory lunch and with Robin Renee tonight on South Street (one of my favorite places in Philly) for heart/brain storming ideas for teaching together. In between, time for a playout at the gym! Life is grand ♥” – Edie Weinstein fb

Planet Fitness workout

Ruth Treats at Hickory Kitchen

Ruth and Jason’s 7th wedding anniversary

June 18 2012

June 18 2012 with Edie Weinstein

“My first day in my new life….got to go to ‘work’ in tie dye, celebrate Ruth and Jason’s 7th anniversary ( I married them:) and my new found freedom. While having lunch at the Hickory Grill in Doylestown, along strolls the awesome Jonathan Maberry and his lovely wife Sara Jo West who I also married more than 10 years ago. After lunch,Ruth Anne Wood and I went to Sharon Stratton and Paul Stratton’s chiro office and did some master mind/heartstorming/ Scripting For Success and Walkabout For The Soul excercises as we seed planted for the lives of our dreams and desires. How cool is THAT? In between, I received a call from someone who asked me to officiate at a 25th anniversary vow renewal. I am in the flow~ ♥” -Edie fb

Setting Intensions, Scripting for Success and Affirming Universal Connections

Sharon Stratton, Edie Weinstein and Ruth Anne Wood “Circle Map”, “Walk About for the Soul” and “In the Portal meditation”  audio download 1-2 pm




  • Received thought provoking email a little while ago from someone I don’t know personally. First is her comment, followed by my response: ” Dear Rev. Weinstein: It sounds as if you are of Jewish ancestry. If so, I feel it is sad that you possibly felt the need to give up on your own rich religious tradition where you might have found what you are looking for if you tried harder. Another BuJew?”

    My answer: “No, I haven’t given anything up. I was raised Jewish with parents who encouraged learning about other traditions. I went to Hebrew school until I was 16, became a Bat Mitzvah at 13, studied various faiths in college. I was ordained as an interfaith minister via The New Seminary in NYC in 1999, which was founded by a ‘modern Hassidic rabbi’ named Joseph Gelberman, as well as a minister, a priest and imam. The motto of the school is “Never instead of, always in addition to.” When I told my parents I was enrolling, my mother said “I have one question for you. Are you converting?” I told her “No, I’m expanding.” She said “Ok.” and she and my father flew up from Florida for my ordination. When my parents celebrated their 50th anniversary, I officiated at a vow renewal ceremony for them and when they each died, I officiated at their funerals, with their full consent. My mother would jokingly call me her “Reverend Daughter”. I say that Love is my religion and God is too big to put in a box.” Hopefully that answers your thoughts. Judaism is a rich culture and so are the others in which I immerse myself. I don’t have the right to tell anyone what to believe spritually.

    Blissings and Blessings,

     ·  · Share · 19 hours ago ·

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      • Jayne Michelle Fountain I love your response. Blessings, Edie!!
        19 hours ago ·  · 1
      • Sandra Lavini Great answer. What’s a BuJew?
        19 hours ago · 
      • Edie Weinstein Someone who was raised Jewish who became a Buddhist. I don’t see it as a derogatory term, since I have friends who travel that path. ♥
        19 hours ago ·  · 2
      • Darin Mazepa What a thoughtful answer. I would have opted for something along the lines of, “Mind you own damn business!”
        19 hours ago ·  · 3
      • Shann Vander Leek Love this: ” Love is my religion and God is too big to put in a box.”
        19 hours ago ·  · 1
      • Alicia Gary DeMarco Well said Edie!! Xoxo
        19 hours ago via mobile ·  · 1
      • Edie Weinstein I actually had no problem with her question, since it gave me a chance to take a look at my own belief system. What’s funny is that I would have gotten defensive at an earlier point in my life. This also gave me a chance perhaps to expand her awareness. Your answers were all wonderful too ♥
        19 hours ago ·  · 6
      • Nancy Wexler Taylor People ask me the same thing as a Unitarian..I also tell them I did not give up being Jewish but added to my religious identity..I am a JewUU
        19 hours ago ·  · 1
      • Darin Mazepa In my “enlightened” state (haha), I’ve found the courage to say the things out loud that float about up in my cranium.
        19 hours ago · 
      • Edie Weinstein I sometimes call myself a Jewish Pagan or a Spritual Gypsy. Ok, there is definitely fodder for the next Beliefnet Bliss Blog entry…stay tuned(: ♥
        19 hours ago ·  · 1
      • Barbara R. Epstein Each of the paths we take is so very individual and personal and I would never judge another’s path. We come to the truths that speak to us in so many ways. They are all blessings. I don’t think I would have been so loving in my response as you were Edie. The labels we use are so unimportant.
        19 hours ago ·  · 2
      • Darin Mazepa I refer to myself as “spiritually eclectic”.
        18 hours ago · 
      • Edie Weinstein ‎Darin, sometimes I have no filters either(: ♥
        18 hours ago ·  · 1
      • Marji Mirtz Powers Beautiful answer, Edie and I admire your willingness to address what many of us today, may be questioned about. One of the joys of being with like-minded members of a univeral humanity is the ability to accept and embrace the value of all cultures and religions.
        18 hours ago ·  · 2
      • Naila Schulte Following a tradition doesn’t have to mean putting God in a box. You can see God everywhere — in and out of particular pathways — and still benefit from a rich legacy of mentors, prayers, music, disciplines, rituals and celebrations resonating mostly within one tradition. It could be said of all the real Christians, Muslims, Jews, and Buddhists I know that their religion is love. Same goes for heart-based pagans and non-affiliators. Chauvinism is a danger for all.
        18 hours ago · 
      • Edie Weinstein Agreed, Naila. I have friends in all traditions and enjoy rituals that keep me feeling tapped into the Divine in all forms. I am going to be offering a series of webinars in December via www.vividlife.me on the subject of Prayer as part of their Universe-ty. You are welcome to check it out and sign up. I did an intro as part of their Spirituality Boot Camp as well. Perfect timing of course ♥


        Connect with people and participate in life-changing conversations on spirituali…See More
        18 hours ago ·  · 3
      • Ann White Love your response. As I rabbi, I feel that religion continues to divide us. How can we ever have world peace when we have the “mine’s better than yours” mentality. In the spiritual world, where we recognize that we are all ONE, all created with the breath of God, all co-creators with the Divine – then we can gather in global peace. I was ordained by Joseph Gelberman who truly taught inclusion — Never Instead of, Always in Addition To. I love my Jewishness but I practice now as an interfaith Trauma Chaplain where we all connect with One God, One World, One Community.
        18 hours ago ·  · 4
      • Tony Martin Wonderful, thoughtful, well-reasoned response.
        18 hours ago · 
      • Elle Petrock Kaplan ‎”God is too big for just one religion”Michael Franti
        18 hours ago ·  · 2
      • Naila Schulte Absolutely — but one doesn’t necessarily make Him/Her smaller by belonging to one! Great responses. The webinar sounds great — I’ll check it out. (Yeah, the gender thing is limiting, but it’s all metaphorical.)
        18 hours ago · Edited · 
      • Edie Weinstein You guys are on this, BIG TIME! I love all of your answers and send gratitude to the woman who initiated the conversation…bet she didn’t know it would generate all this buzz. Wonder if she is on fb? ♥
        18 hours ago ·  · 2
      • Marielena Zuniga Beautiful response, Edie, especially: “I say that Love is my religion and God is too big to put in a box.” Can I hear an AMEN?
        18 hours ago · 
      • Edie Weinstein Yes and A-Women too ♥
        18 hours ago · 
      • 18 hours ago · 
      • Joan Schaublin Labels are so dividing. I wonder if she is willing to see that the very hatred that has caused so much suffering for the Jewish people came from exactly the same thinking? I feel the same way about being an “American”. I prefer to identify as an Earthling.
        18 hours ago ·  · 1
      • ArielandShya Kane An inspirational story, Edie, to be sure!
        18 hours ago · 
      • Susan Barbara Dey Loving this conversation!! InSpirational!
        18 hours ago via mobile ·  · 2
      • Sallie Marshall Well said- & glad you are who you are!
        17 hours ago · 
      • Randall Taylor-Craven Perfect answer . . . & calling!
        17 hours ago · 
      • Paul Butler All Humans would benefit from this “expanded” view and would stop killing each other over whose “view” is “better” or “correct”. I know God, The Creator, Higher Power, Buddha, etc, does not say “kill all others that do not believe I am the only way” – this is a human construct. And this EGO CENTERED HUMAN CONSTRUCT is killing off a large number of us in the name of RELIGION. How about acceptance and tolerance, y’all!!
        17 hours ago via mobile · 
      • Marion McGowen Good for you responding to an ignorant person with love
        17 hours ago · 
      • Mirabai Galashan Sweet response Edie, I am very curious, I would like to ask her to say more about her feeling of sadness and where that comes from and to understand what the need to “try harder” means to her? xx
        16 hours ago via mobile ·  · 1
      • Jim Wert ♥♥♥
        16 hours ago · 
      • Rick Carel You are fortunate to have parents who are accepting, not all family accepts change
        15 hours ago via mobile · 
      • Tami Hartz LOVE, LOVE, LOVE your response, Edie!
        14 hours ago · 
      • SG Redstone Joan: I, too, am an Earthling. I, however, would rather be an earthing in America than, say…………..North Korea.
        14 hours ago · Edited · 
      • SG Redstone I believe there are many paths to enlightenment. If any of those paths lead us through the sewerage of hate and bigotry, they perhaps lead instead to the dark side. IMHO
        14 hours ago · 
      • Faith Storms very nice response…..
        11 hours ago · 
      • Natalie James Well said!
        11 hours ago · 
      • 11 hours ago · 
      • Phyllis Miller From one Jew sister to another . . . you Rock Baby – I love you Edie ♥
        11 hours ago · 
      • Edie Weinstein I am overwhelmed with all of these responses. Clearly it struck a chord with you all as well. I wish I could meet this woman face to face and give her a big ol’ smooch for starting the wheels in motion ♥
        10 hours ago ·  · 1
      • Gerald Weeks You are not far from the kingdom, Edie……..Just one truism…existing for 2012 years, apart from some ‘messianic’ jews, i.e Jesus is still omitted or rejected as the ”truth’….by the chosen people….Christ is NOT, i can say in truth, a ‘tradition’ or ‘culture’ of others….HE WAS and still is your LORD.
        10 hours ago · 
      • SG Redstone Hey Gerald: Have you sought phychiatric counselling for your compulsion to validate your fairy tales by spouting your ignorance to others?
        10 hours ago · 
      • SG Redstone The “rejection” of your “lord” by the people who knew him best trumps your brainwashing by those who would want you to be subjected to their fantasies!
        10 hours ago · 
      • LynAnne Moon Bravo sister, Bravo.
        9 hours ago · 
      • Evelyn George That is amazing and beautiful….
        8 hours ago · 
      • Rick Carel ‎@Gerald, thank you for your example of ego though
        3 hours ago via mobile · 
      • Rick Carel ‎*thought
        3 hours ago via mobile · 
      • Gray Grace Keep rocking, Eddie, you are on the right path.
        33 minutes ago · 

Birthday Party