Write down a to do list for your CEO/ Higher Power/ God – to help you accomplish 3x’s as fast as your list.

(This one exercise has brought in an unexpected 50% more money than my client desired to keep her shop open and she didn’t have to close doors by the end of the week!)

WANTED: Innovative Geniuses who Dare to Measure Success Quicker and with More Confidence Than Ever! Add Focus to your Goals, Prayer, Intuition, Meditation, Projects and Conversions in Minutes

Do you spend too much precious time, money and energy with people who distract you or are incompatible with you goals?

Want to know how to plan and track the success of every important phone or in person conversation in 10 minutes or less?

Wish you knew immediately if you were talking to the right person to help you achieve your mission and dreams?

In this free template you will get a basic understanding how to create “Circle Maps” to help you focus on your specific measurable goals. “Circle Maps” are created by the user to help you plan and track the success of your goals by:

  • Monitoring your internal conversations “self talk” with yourself
  • Track the external conversations with others and how they support or distract you from achieving your goals
  • Help you become more aware of the support, synchronicities and daily miracles in your life
  • Know during the first conversation if the other person is the right JV partner, date, business associate, job applicant for you

Download Your Circle Map Guide designed to set a specific goal and track it’s success. Then schedule a free Jump Start Your Remarkable Legacy Phone Strategy Session

I met my soul mate just like the script said and she is everything I have been looking for. The most amazing part is that she just showed up in my life with no effort on my part. I have no doubt that reading this script over and over again put me in the right place spiritually and physically for me to meet my soul mate. I can’t thank you enough Ruth. –Michael Cristofalo, Electrical Engineer

Dear Ruth, What we have accomplished in three months’ time could take some people their whole lives… great job!  Love, Cassy -Cass Forkin, Founder of Twilight Wish Foundation

Thank you, Ruth, for helping me to activate my resources and move beyond those hidden blocks that sabotage my real inner nature. Stash Serafin, Sensitivity Skating CoachTM

…Scripting for Success creates new threads of consciousness that are in the present to create a vibrant future based on one’s individual thoughts, feelings, actions and efforts. -Diane B. Levitt, Writer, Mentor

…Within a week of my first scripting lesson, I realized I had the resources to fulfill a longtime dream, which I thought was only possible after I met certain personal and financial goals. By the way, the Jag is blue. Through scripting, you are able to create your life the way you want it by valuing and honoring your priorities. Period. -Nadja Newhall, Tourist Services, UT

BONUS: Write down a to do list for your CEO/ Higher Power/ God – to help you accomplish 3x’s as fast as your list.

(This one exercise has brought in an unexpected 50% more money than my client desired to keep her shop open and she didn’t have to close doors by the end of the week!)