Special Thanks To Being One Center
ZING Your Way To Happiness
By Making Winning Decisions
with Ruth Anne Wood
In this interactive, spontaneous Being One Center talk, Ruth Anne Wood will walk the group through her original process called the ZING METHOD of feeling really good by making and testing mentally, emotionally, and physically aligned decisions for that in love, joyful ZING feeling!
Abraham Hicks says. “There is nothing more important than that I feel good.”
This is Ruth’s scientifically engineered process to get those feel-good results more often. The nice bonus is noticing more winning conversations, opportunities, and synchronicities. And thanks to that recognizable, déjà vu, in the moment ZING feeling, have the confidence, wonder, and delight to go for it!
You know you’re in the flow and bypassing that pesky inner critic that says, “That’s Not Me Yet.” or “I can’t afford that.” “I’m too ____.” because you feel that ZING of pure positive love and joy throughout your body after reading your feel-good decision statements, (every time you want to feel Gooood!!)
Stop using words that block communication with yourself and others and create too many steps, setbacks, or obstacles. Avoid years of therapy rehashing the past and just focus on your ZING! If you failed at or want more out of goal setting, meditation, positive manifestation, prayer, effective communication, join us for an introduction to creating your own ZING statements and conversations!
Bring a notebook. We’ll create our own ZING statements (that you can read aloud and edit to better awareness of the vast resources and abundance in your life).
Get handouts in advance for the class that will add even more specific ZING with some pre-class preparation. Just register for the $20 introductory ZING METHOD two-hour class now. After check out, you’ll be directed to some handouts.
Ruth will share how she ZINGED her way to a teaching gig in China (a month after she wrote her ZING statement “I want to be like those women; [Carol Burnett and Gloria Steinem] and teach woman’s leadership training and do theater abroad). About a month later she ended up facilitating in China such topics at SIAS University 2018 and winning a US State Department grant “Give Women A Voice Through The Arts” to present the history of American Improv comedy and theater games in schools, villages, factories, and community centers in China.
This talk will be facilitated through theater games, open discussion, and interactive sharing.
Get your handouts in advance or after the event here:
Join us for an introductory ZING class where I answer all your questions and practice creating ZING statements.
DISCLAIMER: The Zing Method is not designed to fix anything!
The only purpose is for the reader to ZING is to feel really, really good!
The side effect however of the ZING is to start noticing conversations, opportunities, synchronicities that match that mental, emotional and physical ZING sensation!
Ready to ZING?
Join us for our introductory class as part of the Being One Center zoom series!
Meet Your Instructor
Ruth Anne Wood has ZINGED all over the world, to 21 countries. She’s definitely got the courageous ZING spirit, picking up the violin and harmonica and playing it at the end of 2020 and now in open mic jam sessions. Ruth had taught manifesting, creativity, theater, and leadership classes at the Being One Center and as far away as a university in China in 2018. Ruth recently resigned from 2.5 decades of massage to bring the ZING METHOD to more amazing students. Will you be next?!