Top 5 Secrets to Profit from

First of all, if want more great guests for your show and want to be a feature expert on more radio shows has been a great resource for me personally as a business leadership trainer and a show host.


If you are a consultant, coach, trainer, expert, caregiver focus on a big problem and why they need your powerful solution.

(This is the problem your ideal client will pay or do anything to solve and will be a raving fan and big referral when you do help them!)

If you are a fiction writer focus on the big problem that inspired the story or that you and your characters have overcome.

* In both cases focus on radio hosts with an audience that has the number one problem you solve through your products and services.

Some big problem areas are:

  • Making and Managing Money, “new chant… Om mon-ey give me some!”
  • Relationships, “They did it!”
  • Family issues, “If only they would ….”
  • Health and Fitness “Eat better and exercise more.”
  • Reputation management and looking good, “R-E-S-P-E-C-T”

Ex: Ruth Anne Wood is the CEO of Scripting for Success, who helps clients with 5, 10, 20+ ideas turn into reality fast through publishing, effective communication and leadership training. Client Success Stories


The offer needs the following elements:

  • Low barrier to entry such as a free; report, webinar or tele-class
  • It showcases your philosophy, personality, system and your success stories
  • Helps people discover how your product or service helps solve their big problem

“As a thank you for having me on your show I’d love to gift your audience…”

Here are some of my successful offers that had the audience visiting and subscribing to my website:

  • Free tele-class just for show host audience
  • Free webinar
  • Private one-on-one free strategy call to demonstrate the tools and techniques shared on the show

(There is a whole art to setting up the tele-class, webinar and strategy sessions. If you want to discover how to do this to maximize your radio appearances and show revenue let’s chat! Apply for a free strategy session on the best way to set up you free offer to generate leads and sales to ideal, fun to work with, highly motivated clients. )


GUESTS: Create a separate blog post or landing page for each guest appearance. Have a separate opt-in subscriber box or a different show code to track where the lead found you and what most interests your subscribers. They’ll come looking for your  irresistible offer that you gifted to the show host’s audience as a thank you for being on the show. As a side note, before I was on the following shows I gifted the hosts a phone and in person strategy session so they could share their positive results with their audience.

Inspiration by Loretta

Living Smart and Well

Here’s Why Gifting Your Host and Audience Is So Effective

  1. You can track your traffic from a specific show
  2. You can tailor your message to that specific audience
  3. You can pay your host a referral commission or mail a gift for any new clients or affiliate sales from their audience
  4. You can control the content of their show on your site and make it easier to showcase your work for other show hosts and the media
  5. You can track leads via opt-ins for a specific audience gift, offer, free report or interest in a strategy session.
* A Strategy Session is a great tool to generate high quality leads for your consulting, coaching and training services while helping your prospect identify their problem and how you may help them with your high quality products and services.


Follow up with those that opt-ed in for your gift, sent an email or called you.

“Hi [Jonny].

Thanks for interest in a free class, special for Jim’s Savvy Investor Audience. You might have gotten an email with the tele-class date. Here it is again. Or people are just signing up for the class and in the mean time I’m offing a private strategy session where you can ask me about anything Jim and I discussed on “Invest In Your Greatness” with Jim Spina (You can totally grab that title if it’s not taken already or if you are Jim Spina. 😉

* The following works of you have a tool or product that solves a particular problem for your host and audience.

Before The Show

Offer the host a free strategy session.

When you do the phone strategy session be sure to record it.

This is the time to help your host get excited about your special tools, products, training and solutions and how it will improve their Finances, Fitness, Family and Faith. This will make it so much easier for your host to passionately talk about the results your product or service offers. You’ll already feel like respected colleagues with mutual admiration. It might be a fraction of what you do or offer on the call, but they can get excited about that one thing you do, and it will carry into passion and excitement in most everything that you discuss, and their audience will get more excited and engaged too!

ASK for a testimony from the host at the end of your free session. Ask them to explain their insights, breakthrough, results they got just from one or a couple of your most powerful tools. Coach them on expressing the positive results you helped them get. This helps the host confidently talk about you to the audience.

Secret #5

Be your authentic, passionate, helpful self. Educate and inspire the audience to see the problem in themselves or in loved ones and at work. Tell stories. Invite your host to talk about insights and solutions working with you.

BONUS Secret

If you enjoyed being on the show write a review on their wonderful marketing and interview skills and any of their other wonderful qualities you got to learn about during your pre-show call or free strategy session.

Post these reviews on LinkedIn, Yelp, Stumble the interview.

Ruth Anne Wood
is the CEO of Scripting for Success and she helps global leaders use the power of story to turn their ideas into reality fast. In her own life she has scripted her success meeting the 30/30 man of her dreams, win awards, speak on stage with superstars in her industry, overcome personal challenges, travel the world and have a 100% success rate helping her paid clients live their prewritten success stories, news headlines and conversations. She has also helped her clients write and publish inspirational and biographical books on their core passion and genius. Ruth has interviewed over a hundred community leaders on her interview series Live Your Peace. Ruth is available in Philadelphia and nation wide. 215-872-5035  Media Kit


Ruth Anne Wood
CEO of Scripting for Success
Media Kit


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